I didn't quite know what to expect from Red Velvet with this comeback. Their last comeback had been so calm and balad-y, but then Dumb Dumb and Ice Cream Cake were the complete opposite of that, so I really didn't know what was in store. Here's what I thought about it.
I'm going to start with the song because I'm listening to it as I write this and something's occured to me. This is basically the stereotype of k-pop. It's so k-pop it feels like a paranoia. There's the electro in background, the high pitched voiced, the fucking weird MV. GUYS I'VE FOUND THE K-POP STEREOTYPE!
In all seriousness, the song is actually pretty good. It's quite vintage, but still very electronic and all in all it's pretty catchy. I like it - I mean I wouldn't have it on repeat but if it came on while I was on shuffle on Youtube I wouldn't skip past it. Does that make any sense? Though the more I think about this is definitely the kind of song I could expect to grow on me.
Onto the video. Wow. What the fuck is the video about. From what I understand, they're trying to kill someone (or multiple people) like they do in cartoons. Ex. Piano falling on them, fridge falling on them, ect...
Then mixed in with that they're playing tennis? And sometimes it's normal quality but then sometimes it goes all vintage-y. It's just really fucking weird, that's all I can say about it to be honest.
Maybe it's because I don't understand what they're singing about, but I'm betting more for them having been on some kind of LSD when they thought up the MV.All in all, this isn't all bad. It's pretty catchy and the production isn't too shabby. The composition is pretty good, too.
I'm giving this comeback 3,5 kimchis out of five.
What did you guys think of it?
M x