Sunday, 8 May 2016

Why K-Pop and Dramas Have Ruined My Life | Dying For Drama


Okay... So the title is a bit of an exaggeration, but you get what I mean, right? I wanted to make a lil' list about why K-Pop and dramas have ruined my life.

I Curse In Korean
I mean, come on! I'm bilingual (French and English) to begin with, and it was bad enough for everyone in my class when I cursed in English, but now I've started cursing in Korean too! I blame the dramas for it, I swear.

Everything Comes Back To Idols
Most of the alphabet makes me think about an idol or another (looking at you L of Infinite, Hen (pronounced N") of VIXX and V of BTS).
Someone asks me for a pencil in class, and in French, pencil is crayon... you know where this is going - GET YOUR CRAYON!!
My Mum goes shopping, I was cookies, and all of a suddenly thinking of Jungkook!
I see a post about Barbie and Ken and I'm thinking about Ken from VIXX!

I Spend My Time Watching Videos of Idols and Laughing Alone Like An Idiot
Every time I go to my best friend's house (who is a non-kpopper), I'm stuck on my computer, watching videos of K-Pop groups (I might aswell stay at home, really).

Constant K-Pop Always
I can pretty much guarantee to you that 90% of my day consists of me either singing or dancing a k-pop song or dance. All the time. Everyone thinks I'm mental.

Whenever a Group Has A Comeback, It's All I Can Talk About
To give you an example, on Monday, BTS had their comeback with "화양연화: Young Forever" and I basically wet myself with excitement. And it was all I could think about until Thursday when I came home and was able to listen to it!

But, despite all that, I bloody love it, so I put up with the impraticalities, because, really, they're not that bad.

In what way have k-pop and dramas ruined your life? Let me know down in the comments and we can suffer together haha.

M x

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