Thursday, 18 August 2016

B.A.P 'That's My Jam' MV Review | Dying For Drama


Today I am reviewing a group that I don't tend to listen to, B.A.P. Not that I have anything against them, the music I has previously listened to from them just wasn't my style. Nonetheless, when I saw that they released their comeback I decided to have a little listen and here's what I thought.

As always, I shall start with the song (do I really need to say it again? It's always the same!). What with the crap Korean humans (and non-Korean humans, come to think of it), I'm getting rather unenthused about comebacks nowadays, but, B.A.P managed to happily surprise me, very much so, in fact. The song is different to every other boy band at the moment, I can't place how, it's very upbeat and dancy, but when I listen to this song, I don't feel like I've already heard 20 versions of it. It's very original, let's just say, not to mention fucking catchy *sings* Yeah! That's my jam, nanana nanana party!" 

MV is interesting and pretty funny, though it doesn't seem like it has much of a plot, it's quite simply just the members are on different kinds of TV channels (music channel, discovery channel, action film channel, ect). It's fun and they all seem mad which I like.

Really enjoyed this and I, for once, have nothing to say about it. Their look is great, the MV is interesting and funny and pretty creative and the song is fucking catchy. I'm not sure what the concept is, but to be honest I don't really mind that. This is probably the most boring review I've ever written, and definitely the shortest.

I'm giving 'That's My Jam' 5 kimchis out of 5, which makes it the first ever song that makes it to 5 kimchis! (Meagre congratulations, really but oh well). 

What do you think of their comeback?

Before I lose you guys completely, I just wanted to warn you that for the next couple of weeks I'm going to be posting twice a week instead of just once. There's be a post on Wednesday and Sunday because there are a heck of a lot of comebacks that I'd like to review.

M x

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